MGMT is an American pop-punk band who gained immense popularity within the 2000s. In an effort to maintain their relevance well into the 2020s, this project aimed to reinvent the band’s visual presence by ditching the 2000’s psychedelic vibe and following their most recent album release with an entirely new brand aesthetic: Dark Academia.

How could we reinvent a band’s brand without negating the presence they already have and increase their relevance across new generations? First things first, we needed to establish who they were and who they will never be. An intensive research session to gain insight into the MGMT past and present meant finding a niche they could own and dominate without sacrificing what they’ve already established.

Across the digital space, their most recent album at the time, ‘Little Dark Age’, was paving the road for an aesthetic that dictated a particular fashion, lifestyle, and entertainment across Tik-Tok and Instagram. Known as Dark Academia, this niche of pop-culture included a moody look and feel rooted in Gothic architecture and candle-lit evenings. Using this as the guiding star, the MGMT brand was reborn.

A final mentorship project under the
guidance of 4AD & Color of Music Collective

Gabriella Slotkin, Creative Director, Mentor

Visual Identity
Art Direction
Print Design


Beetle Body Mods

